07-02 Body Shaming
03-23 The Power Trio - 3 Skills that I learned hard way"
01-27 What I learnt from Writing Weekly


12-17 Best Advices I received in 2022
12-07 Are you overthinking it ?
11-23 Changing Few things in Life
11-05 Little Better
11-01 Questions, Curiosity and Learning
10-18 Can We Please Argue ?
10-11 We need to run Marathon..
10-01 Overwhelmed with Ideas and Possibilities
09-24 It's Too Risky!
09-15 My Journey into Economics, Part 5, Trade
09-09 My Journey into Economics, Part 4, Growth
09-01 My Journey into Economics, Part 3, Economic Systems and Cycles
08-25 My Journey into Economics - Part 2
08-14 My Journey into Economics - Part 1
08-05 I don't know
07-31 Ideas we can think about - Part2
07-22 How Brahmi Script was deciphered ? Why it is important to appreciate this ?
07-13 Guest Post - Trust,Beauty & Affection
07-11 It's all about People
07-03 Single player Game
06-26 Morning Routines of Celebrity People I like
06-18 Decision Fatigue
06-10 Life Lessons from old people
06-05 Avestan, a close cousin of Sanskrit
05-29 History In Pictures - Part 1
05-22 Cocomelon - Rise of Digital TV
05-11 White Gold - What, Why, How of Lithium
05-06 Patterns of Mentally Strong People
04-22 Overcoming Disagreements
04-15 Brief View of Coffee – Part 2
04-02 Brief view of Coffee - Part-1
03-25 Stories that made an Impact
03-10 Memento Mori
02-18 Process over Results
02-04 Laws to understand the world better
01-29 Learning to Write
01-13 History of Chennai City
01-02 Best Reads of 2021


10-14 Right vs Easy
08-19 Embrace Ambiguity
06-30 Big Picture
05-26 Just About Right
05-16 What is BRAVING ?
03-20 Keeping Things Simple
01-17 Working with People
01-03 Best of 2020


12-08 Why Mindsets Matter ?