Naval - On Business, Wealth, Life and Meditation

One of a prominent person I follow on Twitter. Some of his tweets are really profound and to the point. If you don’t know who is he here is the wiki link His Twitter handle here and some of my good reads have been in his blog post His tweets and blog are wealth of knowledge if you looking for advice on enterpreneurship, wealth and life in general. So I try to put together some of his words here which I have read over a period of time.

Decision Making - Basics

Munger explained in a 1994 speech at University of Southern California What is elementary, worldly wisdom? Well, the first rule is that you can’t really know anything if you just remember isolated facts and try and bang ‘em back. If the facts don’t hang together on a latticework of theory, you don’t have them in a usable form. You’ve got to have models in your head. And you’ve got to array your experience—both vicarious and direct—on this latticework of models.

Reading Links II

You can see more reading links here Physics Feynman Lectures on Physics (vol 1) Feynman Lectures on Physics (vol 2) Front End Javascript - ReIntroduction Finance Whats a financial statement in simple words System Design System Design for Advanced Beginners DataStructures & Algorithms CS50 Open courseware CS50 TV Startup Ycombinator Library Soft Skills How to write in a plain english Presentation- Speaker Deck Java Best Practies for Testing in Java Data Kaggle Datasets Product Management Notes on PM

Good Reads

HTML and CSS is hard - Good basic tutorial HTML - Notepad javascript algorithms Writing Modular code Node JS Module Patterns Modern network load balancing and proxying Youtube - Joe Armstrong Youtube - TCP/IP and Subnet masking My Tech Stack Blog Machine/Deep Learning Markdown Cheatsheet Boomerang Chrome Extension Processor Design Mindset Kit - Growth Mindset Mentoring Google Code Review Hacker news alternative Startup Decks networking in AWS U1 chip Revolution kubernetes networking kernel Linux doc Calculus - The best intro you ever get - from MIT What is OAuth - Illustrated Guide SSH Handshake explained db performance Freecodecamp - Docker Primer on Database Replication Intro to ZFS AWS Architect Prep System Design Concepts Books E-Books in public

Essence of Scrum Guide

Original Article I wrote here is Essence of Scrum Guide Lightweight Simple to understand Difficult to master Bind together events, roles, artifacts and interactions between them Based on Empiricism - Knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is known Three Pillars Transparency Inspection Adaptation Transparency - Process must be visible for those responsible for the outcome. Inspection - Frequent inspection of scrum artifacts and detect undesirable variance Adaptation - Adjustments to be made ASAP to minimize further deviations from acceptable limits Four Formal Events Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Scrum Players Scrum Team